08. bis 28. Januar

21 Days of Prayer

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

Psalms 145,18

Because prayer is our first option.
Auch 2022.

What is it about?

Die 21 Tage des Gebets sind eine Zeit, in der wir Gott ganz persönlich und intensiv suchen wollen. Das machen wir schon seit Jahren zweimal jährlich und wir durften gemeinsam schon so viele Durchbrüche erleben! 

Why 21 days?

Daniel, a prophet from the Old Testament, serves as a model for us. Once, when he reached out to God intensely, he prayed and fasted for three weeks (Daniel 10).
We draw inspiration from Daniel because we believe that perseverance in prayer pays off.

How do we pray?

Wir treffen uns wochentags um 6 und samstags um 9 Uhr in unserem Church Space in der Lise-Meitner-Str. 25 und online, um gemeinsam zu beten, eine Message zu hören und mit Jesus in den Tag zu starten.

How do we fast?

Fasting is an intimate thing between you and God and a way to express your heart's attitude toward Him.
We don't fast out of a sense of obligation or religiosity, so don't feel pressured to join in.

What can I renounce?

Is there something that takes up too much space in your life? Try to do without it for a while. For example, many people give up food or individual meals, while others skip social media and TV.


For more inspiration and even more information on prayer and fasting, use these downloads.


For more inspiration and even more information on prayer and fasting, use these downloads.